Week 1: Initial Assessment
Defining Objectives
What reflection and self-evaluation will the client engage in?
- Client will speak to his previous job experiences, challenges, successes and current struggles
- Client will demonstrate his awareness of previous experiences by showing or talking about how he usually goes about his job search process
- Client will recognize the ways in which developing his job search skills may benefit him directly and contribute to achieving the overall treatment goals that he has identified
- Client will leave session with a clear understanding of what the next 3 weeks will look like, what skills he will have the opportunity to train, and how he wants to apply his job search skills
Taking Action
How will you facilitate reflection on past experiences searching for jobs?
- Provider will encourage a discussion and solicit ct feedback regarding their previous job experiences, challenges, successes and current struggles as it relates to job search processes
- Provider will encourage and prompt ct to talk about or show provider how they think about the job search process, what terms they might use when conducting a search online, or what their first few steps might look like if they were to go out and get a job
- Provider will begin and continue to form a conceptualization of what might be creating some of the challenges the ct is experiencing
- Provider will provide ct a clear understanding of what an improved job search process could look like across the next 3 weeks of service delivery and will provide a summary of what those weeks might entail, being sure to connect it back to a) ct’s stated overall goal for treatment b) desired improvement of functioning or c) assessed motivation to engage
Questions to Consider | Resistant Client Corner |
Invite the client to envision the end result - what does it look like in the context of his actual life when this skill is mastered or bolstered. Does he anticipate more opportunities? More confidence? More spending money? Add these tangible benefits into conversations around how the intervention relates back to higher level treatment goals Emphasizing the process over the results (i.e sending a certain number of high-quality applications per week) can help clients feel that their efforts are being recognized |
When to Check In
As in other modules, your role as a provider at this stage is primarily to gather information. The more insight you have into the client’s personal treatment goals as well as his particular life circumstances, the more effective subsequent sessions will be. Consider ways to manage resistance based on the client’s personality and motivations before looping in your supervisor.
- Be ready for clients who do not see their job search skills as an issue, opting instead to blame outside forces or who feel they are above a traditional entry-level role
- Don’t pivot too quickly away to another goal when faced with resistance. Instead, reflect on when and where resistance manifests in order to better anticipate it in future sessions
- Consult with a supervisor if the resistance is more than you know how to handle, but in session, remain curious, affirm, reflect and summarize what the client is saying to encourage self-awareness
Week 2: Trial & Error
Defining Objectives
What job search skill will the client work on this week?
- Client will begin to demonstrate measurable or observable behavioral improvement in at least one area of the job search process
- Client will continue to feel a sense of direction when engaging in intervention(s) by connecting the intervention(s) to an a) overall stated treatment goals b) desired improvement to functioning c) assessed motivation to engage
- Client to feel supported when working with his provider, particularly when trying new things or expressing anxieties or vulnerabilities around the job search process
Taking Action
How will you support skill building and implementation?
- Provider will intentionally engage in behavior change approaches that target at least one area of job search process skill improvement as assessed for in the previous session
- Provider will engage in MI and client-centered care when working with the client to target area(s) of improvement
- Provider will be sure to illustrate how behavioral change and intervention(s) in this domain connect to a) client’s stated overall goal for treatment b) desired improvement of functioning or c) assessed motivation to engage
Questions to Consider |
When to Check In
As clients begin sending out job applications, consider checking in with your supervisor if:
- The client’s resume is not getting any hits even after revisions
- The client is fixated on positions or industries for which they are not qualified
- The client is rationalizing not being able to do a job based on “not fitting” with the job description, or is demonstrating lots of resistance or reluctance to apply that seems to be coming from fear
Week 3: Data Analysis
Defining Objectives
How will the client build on their efforts in this domain?
- Client will continue to demonstrate measurable or observable behavioral improvement the area of the job search process he focused on last week OR demonstrate measurable or observable behavioral improvement in an additional area(s) of improvement
- Client will continue to feel a sense of direction when engaging in intervention(s). This week, the client will be able to make connections to different areas of his life that may benefit directly or indirectly from his work in this domain.
- Client will continue to feel supported when working with his provider
Taking Action
What support will you offer? Where will you step back to allow for greater independence?
- Provider will intentionally engage in behavior change approaches that target at least one area of the job search process as assessed for in session 1 OR intentionally engage in behavioral change approaches that target and additional area of skill improvement
- Provider will engage in MI and client centered care when working with the client to target area(s) of improvement
- Provider will be sure to relate behavioral change and intervention(s) in this domain back to the client’s a) stated overall goal for treatment b) desired improvement of functioning or c) assessed motivation to engage
Questions to Consider |
When to Check In
At this point, you should be seeing greater involvement and ownership over the process from the client, even if that increase is small. Consider checking in with your supervisor if:
- The client consistently expects the work to be done for them
- The client is not engaging in job search efforts outside of sessions (i.e. sending out job applications, practicing his elevator pitch) to the detriment of their work in this module as a whole
Week 4: Lessons Learned
Defining Objectives
How will the client apply what he has learned?
- Client will continue to demonstrate measurable or observable behavioral improvement OR demonstrate measurable or observable behavioral improvement on an additional area(s) of improvement
- Client will be able speak to the major changes he has noticed from session 1 to session 4 and connect those changes to his a)stated overall goal for treatment b) desired improvement of functioning or c) assessed motivation to engage
- Client will recognize and believe that behavioral change can be replicated independently and be able speak to what the lessons and practices he believes he could replicate on his own
- Client will recognize that future work in this domain may not be available to the same degree and that the work is coming to a close
Taking Action
How will you help the client to reflect on his progress and plan for the future?
- Provider will intentionally engage in behavior change approaches that continue to target job search process skill improvement
- Provider will encourage reflection from the client around challenges and successes to crystalize learning
- Provider will promote a discussion around what the client learned from the process and how they may be able to build on what they’ve learned independently in the future, being sure to talk through potential challenges and potential solutions for the client to deploy on their own
- Provide will promote a discussion with the client that allows them to see how these changes may impact his life positively
Questions to Consider |